To check the bootloader status, issue the command given below. 11 Shared Logging between the Kernel and the Bootloader 1.
If UEFI Bootloader is damaged or lost, you cannot boot the computer. Let’s say you forgot to install the new IOS and now you’re at the boot loader because the tar file isn’t bootable, it’s just a container for the IOS bin and the web based device An XDA Forums user confirms that after unlocking the bootloader, the Z Fold 3’s cameras were completely non-functional: facial recognition, loading the camera app, and trying third-party camera Recently I custom bootloader optiboot for Arduino Uno to my custom board called Ardunesia xst X1-02, with Cortex M3 processor. Select Boot Mode and select the required item by pressing Right on RC : NAND NAND2 DHCP. Now your device will be reboot automatically that means your device bootloader is successfully unlocked. Change bootloader status Then type the command to show the device.